This tutorial will show you how to export any Quizizz quiz to platforms like Kahoot, Blooket, Gimkit, Canvas, Blackboard, Zoom, Moodle, Brightspace, Quizalize, Schoology, Google Classroom, Google Form, NEO LMS, itslearning, Sakai, Word or QTI. This method will correctly export even if your Quizizz quiz contains images and audio. Let's get started with the tutorial!

About us
GETMARKED helps teachers reuse their quiz questions across a constellation of learning platforms. Import and export your content between Kahoot, Quizizz, Quizlet, Blooket, Gimkit, Google Forms, Microsoft Forms, Canvas, Schoology, Brightspace, QTI and more.

Step 1: Go to your Quizizz quiz library and select the quiz you want to export

Quizizz quiz library

Go to your Quizizz quiz library, then click on the quiz you want to export to see more details.

Step 2: Click on the share option

quizizz quiz detail page

Once you are inside the Quizizz quiz page, click on the Share button.

Step 3: Ensure quiz is Publicly Visible

share options of quizizz quiz

Select Publicly Visible from the dropdown menu like what you see in the screenshot above.

Step 4: Copy Quizizz Quiz Public Link

public link access enable in quizizz quiz

Once your Quizizz quiz is Publicly Visible, copy the sharing link by clicking on the Copy Link button.

Step 5: Signup for an account with GETMARKED Digitaliser

getmarked digitaliser dashboard with importing options like quizizz, kahoot, blooket, gimkit and google forms

Register for a free trial with GETMARKED Digitaliser, You will get 2 free imports of 20 questions each. GETMARKED Digitaliser is a quiz import and export tool that can allow you to import quiz, test or exams from one platform and export it to another.

Login and click on the Import from Quizizz button.

Step 6: Paste the sharing link into the Quizizz Importer

quizizz quiz importer inside getmarked digitaliser

Paste the sharing link into the Quizizz quiz importer and click on the blue Import button.
quizizz quiz successfully imported into getmarked digitaliser

Within a few seconds, your quizizz quiz would be imported successfully. Click on the export button to export to whatever platform you link.

getmarked digitaliser export options

Currently, we support export to Canvas, Blackboard, Kahoot, Blooket, Gimkit, Edulastic, Google Forms, Wooclap, Moodle, Schoology, Brightspace, itslearning, NEO LMS, Socrative, Sakai, Quizalize, Studymate, Zoom, Word, Adobe Captivate, QTI and GIFT, covering almost 99% of all LMS in the market.

Congratulations, you have successfully exported your Quizizz quiz into your LMS!


Final Words

Learning platforms make it difficult for teachers to export content out of their walled garden to the detriment of teachers and students alike. At GETMARKED, we to make your quiz content accessible everywhere in one click. If you think this is an endeavour worth supporting, getting your school leaders and administrators to purchase an institutional plan would be the best way to support us.