User Guide

If we did our job well, you will never need a user guide

Ideally, if we did our job well, you would never have to visit this page. But since you are here, something must have went wrong. This user guide will provide you with some unambiguous recommendation to fix your problem.

GETMARKED Digitaliser allows you to import any kind of quiz in one-click as long as the document was prepared for classroom use in mind. Your quiz do not need to be formatted in any specific way, we will intelligently infer what's inside.

Here's some sample Word document quizzes to give you a sense of the variety of questions we can convert: We support much much more formats and more are added everyday as our AI gets more intelligent.
Supported Question Types, LMS and File Formats
Supported Question types
  1. True-false question
  2. Multiple choice question
  3. Multiple response question
  4. Cloze question
  5. Cloze question
    (select dropdown menu)
  6. Open-ended question
  7. Matching question
  8. Likert question
Supported Platforms
  1. Canvas
  2. Blackboard
  3. Moodle
  4. Brightspace
  5. Schoology
  7. Zensai Learn365 (Formerly LMS365)
  8. Sakai
  9. Google Classroom/Forms
  10. Microsoft Forms
  11. itslearning
  12. Ilias
  13. TalentLMS
  14. Adobe Captivate
  15. Wooclap
  16. Kahoot!
  17. Quizizz
  18. Blooket
  19. Gimkit
  20. Quizalize
  21. Pear Assessment (Formerly Edulastic)
  22. Socrative
  23. Zoom
  24. LearnDash
  25. Coursera
  26. Quiz (Question Set)
  27. SLS
Support file formats
  1. docx
  2. json (Google Form)
  3. Canvas, Brightspace, itslearning, NEO LMS, Ilias QTI zip file
  4. Blackboard pools and tests zip file
  5. Common cartridge imscc file
  6. QTI 1.2 zip file
  7. QTI 2.1 zip file
  8. QTI 2.2 zip file
  9. Moodle XML file
  10. Cognero QTI zip file
  11. WebCT zip file
  12. GIFT TXT file
  13. Aiken TXT file
  14. Blackboard TSV TXT file
  15. CSV Spreadsheet
  16. pdf (discouraged)
Setting the Correct Answer
To set the correct answers for each question, you can either use our web interface or do it directly in your docx file.

In most cases, our system would be able to intelligently infer where the answers are in your docx file. If however you are facing difficulties in getting your answers picked up, you can either create an answer scheme at the bottom of the document (recommended approach) or annotate the answers directly in the question.

There are four ways to annotate the correct answer in the question, with multiple choice questions you can annotate the correct answer using either:
  • Bold
  • Highlight
  • Answer tag
  • Asterisk

Here's some examples,

1.  Which color of light has the shortest frequency?

   a) Blue

   b) Red

   c) Green

   d) Orange

2.  Who is the first President of the United States?

   (a) George Bush

  (b) George Washington

   (c) George Clooney

   (d) George Russell

3.  What is the chemical formula of water?

   a. O2H

   b. HO2

   *c. H2O

   d. OH2

4.  T* F  The sky is blue.

Specifically, you can
  • Highlight the entire choice option.
  • Bold the entire choice option.
  • Add asterisk * on the immediate right of the correct option.
  • Add asterisk * on the immediate left of the correct option.

For True-false questions, you may even simply leave the correct answer directly below the question body. Here's some example.

1. The earth has two moons.


2. There are seven continents in the world.


3. New Mexico is part of Mexico.


For open ended questions, you can only use Answer: tag to annotate the correct answer. Append the tag at the end of each question like so:

5.  Process H also occurs in plant P. The diagram shows how a fruit is formed from the flower of plant P. The fruit of plant P has also been cut open.

open ended question

(i)  Describe the process G.

   Answer: Process G is pollination

Any variant of answer: or ans: is accepted. The colon : after ans must be present.

Alternatively, you can also leave all the answers in an Answer Scheme at the end of the document too. Please be sure to start the answer scheme with the word Answer Scheme in its own line.

(all the questions from 1 to 5) ...

Answer Scheme

1) a

2) b

3) c

4) T

5) Process G is pollination

Finally, setting of answers inside pdf files is currently not supported but will be in the near future.
Answer Scheme
Beyond the simple Answer Scheme definition you see above, where every answer is in its own line. Answer scheme can also be defined in tables. Please be sure to start the answer scheme with the word --Answer Scheme-- in its own line.

(16 multiple choice questions not shown for brevity ....)

Answer Scheme

Lastly, please note that Answer Scheme cannot be used to define the answers for both Select-Drop-Down questions and Matching Questions.
Setting the Feedback
Currently, feedback can set for any question type by using the Feedback: or Explanation: tag. Here's an example.

1)  What is the color of the sky?

  a) Orange

  b) Red

  c) Blue

  d) Green

Answer: c

Explanation: The color of the sky is blue due to rayleigh scattering.

Feedback will be shown to the learner after an attempt, regardless of whether they got it right or wrong.

If you want to feedback to be displayed specifically for when the response is correct or incorrect use the following tags respectively Correct Feedback: and Incorrect Feedback:

Currently, choice specific feedback for MCQ is not available. Please reach out to support if you need it.
Standard Question Formatting
If you are facing difficulties converting your files, we recommend that adhere these standard formatting guideline:
  • All questions should start with a question number following by parenthesis.
  • Question content should be after the question number and not before.
  • All MCQ options should start with an alphabetical label followed by a parenthesis.
  • Answers are annotated using asterisk on the immediate right of the correct answer.

Here's an example.

1)  How many days are there in a year?

  a) 360 days

  b) 365 days*

  c) 361 days

  d) 375 days

We accept any format as long as it's prepared for classroom use. But if you are facing issues trying to get your question recognised, this is a surefire way to do so. Please do not preemptively style your quiz in this format before verifying that it fails on our system. Our mission is to help you save time, not give you more work to do.
Non Standard Question Formatting
In cases where you want to create a quiz in a quick and dirty way, this is the most barebone and stripped down format we accept.

What is the largest living terrestrial animal on earth?





The earth rotates around the sun.


You can forgo both (1) starting the question with a question number and (2) starting the mcq option with an alphabetical label.

Regardless of how you choose to create your quiz, please ensure that either all or none of the questions starts with question number. We do not accept inconsistent quiz structure.

Lastly, if you choose to start with a question number for each quiz question, there's more than one way to define them. Here's two ways.

Question 1.

What is the largest living animal on earth?

  A) Blue whale

  B) Giant Squid

  C) Elephant

  D) Crocodile

  Ans: A

Question: 2

What is the largest living terrestrial animal on earth?

  A) Rhinoceros

  B) Hippopotamus

  C) Elephant*

  D) Giraffe

The bottom line is that you should just submit your quiz file as is for conversion. If it doesn't convert optimally, then you can make adjustments. We support a lot more formats that what is on this user guide.
Non Standard MCQ
There's a huge variety of ways MCQs can be created. Here are some non standard MCQ that we support.

6.  Pregnant patients at term increase their tidal volume by approximately:





When an MCQ is without option labels (i.e. ABCD), it must have a correct answer annotated by bold or asterisk and a minimum of four options to be registered as an MCQ.

7.  How many litres of blood does a human body have?

  • two litres
  • three litres
  • four litres
  • five litres
Bullet points can also be used in place of regular option labels. Currently, only 4 and 5 bullet point options are supported.

8.  How many bones does the adult human body have?

  1) 124

  2) 168

  3) 206

  4) 251

MCQ option labels can be numeric too (i.e. 1234 instead of ABCD).

Lastly, please note that while we support non standard MCQ formats, you are discouraged from using it as those formats are inherently ambiguous and might convert sub-optimally in some edge cases.
Multiple Response Question
Multiple response question (MRQ) is the same as MCQ except that learners can select two or more options. Creating an MRQ is the same as how you would create an MCQ, only that you annotate more than one option as the correct answer.

6.  Select all the states that are part of the European Union.

   A) Vietnam

   B) Brazil

   C) France*

   D) Germany

   *E) Italy

In the above example, the correct answer is C), D) and E).

You can also define the correct answer using the ans: tag.

6.  Which options belows are consider organs of the human body. Select all that apply.

   A) Skin

   B) Hair

   C) Brain

   D) Toe

   E) Heart

   Ans: A, C, E

Matching Question
Matching question is a question type where learners have a associate elements of two list with each other. Here's an example:

Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. Atrocity

2. Fanatical

3. Pensive

a. An extremely wicked or cruel act.

b. Filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.

c. Engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought.

When exported to your LMS, it will be rendered as such:

Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. Atrocity

2. Fanatical

3. Pensive

To register as matching question, there must be an instruction within the question text that contains "match the ...." (or equivalent) to hint that it is a matching question. Also, in this format, you cannot set the correct answer for the questions. You will have to use our web interface to do so after conversion has taken place.

If you want to define the correct answer together with the questions, here's how you can do it:

7. Match the invention with its inventor.

  Thomas Edison = Light Bulb

  Alexander Graham Bell = Telephone

  Wright brothers = Aeroplane

When exported to your LMS, it will be rendered as such:

7. Match the invention with its inventor.

  Thomas Edison

  Alexander Graham Bell

  Wright brothers

The items on the left of the equal sign would be treated as the matching questions, and the right would be treated as the correct matching options.
Cloze Question
Cloze questions are questions that get the learner to fill-in-the-blank. It can be constructed like so:

15. The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in _________ [*Arizona, Utah, California, Nevada]. The canyon is a result of _________ [erosion, weathering] which exposes one of the most complete geologic columns on the planet.

15. The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in [[*Arizona, Utah, California, Nevada]]. The canyon is a result of [[erosion, weathering]] which exposes one of the most complete geologic columns on the planet.

The cloze question starts with a question number (recommended practice for all questions too) followed by the question text.

To create the "blank", use a series of underscore (this symbol _ and at least 4 of them) as you might do if you were preparing the quiz for normal classroom use. Alternatively, you can use double square brackets [[ ... ]] without the underscore too to represent a "blank".

There are two types of cloze questions you can choose from. Either select-dropdown or fill-in-the-blank. Here's how you are create them:

Select-dropdown: options are defined inside the square brackets with the correct answer annotated by asterisk either at the front or the back of the option.

For example, ________ [*Arizona, Utah, California, Nevada] or [[*Arizona, Utah, California, Nevada]] will render as

Fill-in-the-blank: answers should be defined inside square brackets, separated by a comma between alternative correct answers.

For example, _______ [Arizona, Utah] or [[Arizona, Utah]] will be rendered as .

Finally, please note that different LMS has different level of support for this very useful question type.

Cloze Type Canvas Moodle Blackboard Schoology Brightspace NEO LMS itslearning
Fill-in-the-blanks only
Select-dropdown only
Fill-in-the-blanks and select-dropdown
Fill-in-the-blanks Question
In language exams, it might be common to have a passage where learners are supposed to fill-in-the-blanks. It can be constructed like so below:

Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass; there was (9) _________ on it except a tiny golden key, and Alice’s first (10) _________ was that it might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but, alas! either the locks were too large, or the key was too small, but at any rate it would not open any of them. (11) _________ , on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before, and behind it was a little door about fifteen inches high: she tried the little golden key in the lock, and to her great delight it fitted!

Note that this question doesn't have to start with a question number as all the response fields are numbered and that there are at least 3 response fields. Response field also need to have at least 4 underscore to be treated as a response field.

Should you choose to not number the response field, then you should follow the format of a cloze question instead.
Shared Stimulus
It is common when creating quiz questions to have multiple questions refer to the same data (aka. shared stimulus). Here's an example,

Using the table below, answer questions 10 to 12.

  Knocky Flor Ella Juan
Breed Jack Russell Poodle Streetdog Cocker Spaniel
Age 16 9 10 5
Owner Mother-in-law Me Me Sister-in-law
Eating Habits Eats everyone's leftovers Nibbles at food Hearty eater Will eat till he explodes

10. Who is the owner of Ella?

Ans: me

11. Which dog is the oldest?

Ans: Knocky

12. What breed is Juan?

Ans: Cocker Spaniel

After conversion, the shared stimulus (in this case the table) will be included in each of the individual question.

One surefire way to ensure that the shared stimulus is recognised by the system is to use the phrase

".... to answer questions X to Y" or "... to answer the next X questions",

where X and Y are numbers.

Variants of the same phrasing will also be accepted.
Missing Charts, Shapes or Grouped Images
Charts, shapes and grouped images are not extracted from your Word document, only standalone images. We suggest that you replace those objects with the screenshot of itself. This can be done on the original word doc or on our web interface after quiz question extraction.

Maths Equation Errors
If the extracted maths equation looks different from what you see in your Word document (e.g. compressed and/or pixelated), this is due to the use of MathType Equation in your document. MathType equation is a closed proprietary standard developed by WIRIS. As the data is proprietary, extracting it is extremely difficult. We strongly recommend that you migrate to using Office Math Equation, which is an open standard developed by Microsoft and comes along with every Microsoft Word.

To identify whether an equation is a MathType equation, click on it. If you see dashed line borders and small grey squares like the image below, then it is a MathType equation.
MathType equation
If however, you see solid border with two grey tabs on the side, then its Office Math and no further action is required.
office math equation
Once the offending MathType Equation is found, double-click on it and a pop up will appear.
convert math type to office math equation
Check the box "Apply to all equations" and click the "yes" button. All your MathType equation will be automatically converted into Office Math Equations and you can resubmit your file for conversion on GETMARKED Digitaliser.

If you do not see the dialog box to convert all equations appear, it is because your MS Word has MathType add-in installed. We recommend you disable it temporarily so that you can convert your equations to Office Math Equation.

Here's the instructions for Windows:
  1. From the Office Button or File tab, choose Word Options (2010 and later: Options).
  2. Along the left pane of the resulting window click Add-Ins.
  3. At the bottom of the window, next to "Manage" use the drop-down menu to choose Word Add-ins and click Go.
  4. In the list of currently active templates, uncheck the box next to MathType Commands 6 for Word.dotm or MathType Commands for Word.dotm.
For more help on how to disable MathType add-in in your MS Word, please refer to the full instructions.
For subjects like Computing, your quiz questions might contain code content, which is customarily styled with a monospace font and have their whitespace indents preserved.

To tell GETMARKED Word document importer that your text or paragraph is code, please apply Consolas font on text that should be treated as code in your Word document. Below is a sample of what the code text will look like after import from your Word document, with all indents kept when it normally isn't.

Question 1. From the code snippet below, what is the output of factorial if n is 5 ?

n = int(input('Type a number, and its factorial will be printed: '))

if n < 0:
    raise ValueError('You must enter a non-negative integer')

factorial = 1
for i in range(2, n + 1):
    factorial *= i

Please note that when you export code text to your LMS, your LMS may style it differently from how we style it. For most LMS, they will always use a monospace font when rendering code text.
Metadata can be defined at the end of every question in your Word document. Here's a sample.

1. Explain how insulin regulates a person's blood sugar level.

Bloom: Explain

Difficulty: Medium

Topic: Hormones

Subject: AP Biology

Metadata keyword must be followed by a colon.

The metadata captured would be store your item bank where you can later use it to filter and retrieve questions of specific topic or difficulty or any other dimension that you specified. Here's a list of metadata that we accept. The list is non-exhaustive.
['ans', 'answer', 'correct answer', 'answers', 'answerscheme', 'markscheme', 'jawaban', 'đáp án', 'solución', 'diff', 'dif', 'difficulty', 'difficulty level', 'complexity', 'lod', 'type', 'category', 'question type', 'answer location', 'accessibility', 'subject', 'title', 'section', 'feedback', 'general feedback', 'explanation', 'explanations', 'reference', 'references', 'explanation/reference', 'rationale', 'reason', "here's why", 'explanation of answer', 'forklaring', 'solution', 'pembahasan', 'razonada', 'correct feedback', 'incorrect feedback', 'bloom', 'blooms', "bloom's", 'taxonomy', 'skill level', 'level', 'aacsb standard', 'skl', 'aacsb', 'aicpa bb', 'aicpa fc', 'aicpa fn', 'aicpa pc', 'ima', 'min', 'national standards', 'national standard', 'learning objective', 'learning objectives', 'lo', 'learning outcome', 'learning outcomes', 'objective', 'chapter this maps to', 'cognitive domain', 'page ref', 'page', 'reference', 'page reference', 'page number', 'source', 'section', 'ref', 'pts', 'points', 'item weight', 'nat', 'analytic', 'top', 'topic', 'topics', 'ahead', 'var', 'sta', 'has variables', 'date created', 'date modified', 'msc', 'keywords']
Handling Conversion Errors
If there are errors in the extracted questions or if your document fails to convert completely, here are some steps you can take:

  • Email support with the document and specify the problem that you face. We will get back to you in 24hrs.
  • Format the document as if you will be using it in classroom. Quiz documents that are generated by a LMS tends not to convert well.
  • Remove all bold, underline and italics. Annotate answers using only asterisk on the immediate right of the correct answer.
  • Remove content that has nothing to do with the quiz. Things like cover page, table of content, answer scheme should be removed.
  • If your document is huge, reduce half the content and try converting again. Repeat until it works.
Converting Mht Word file
Submitting an Mht docx file for import will result in a no data found in file error. A Mht Word file is a Docx file where the underlying data is stored as HTML. This is a very uncommon format and is not supported by us.

Luckily, it very easy to convert it into a proper Word document file. Open the offending file using Microsoft Word, make any changes to the document (e.g. add a new line by pressing the Enter key). Then Save as a new docx file. Resubmitting the new file and it will now import correctly in GETMARKED Digitaliser.
Prefer docx over PDF
PDF conversion is meant for legacy worksheets where the instructor only have hardcopies of it left. If you have the original docx file, you should use docx. Conversion from docx file is more performant. Many of the features are only available in docx conversion.

If your pdf was originally exported from Word, then you can use Microsoft Word to open the pdf file and convert it back into docx. The docx file, while not the same as the original, would still perform better than a pdf.

If you have to use pdf (due to legacy hardcopy worksheets), then we recommended that each pdf file is less than 15 pages and only contains the quiz questions and nothing else (i.e. remove the cover page, answer scheme, etc.). Additionally, the scan quality should be at least 150 dpi greyscale. Black and white is not recommended. Docx files have no such limitations.
How to export quizzes from your LMS
Below are links to resources that will show you how to export your quiz and question banks from your LMS: Once exported, you can upload the resulting question bank file into GETMARKED. We support question bank files from all major learning management systems.
Should you encounter any difficulties with the conversion, please reach out to We are very responsive and will get back to you within one work day.