This is documentation for developers to integrate GETMARKED Digitaliser with their learning platform.
Integrate using either our REST API or iFrame embed.
You may sign up for a developer account here.
GETMARKED API allows you to import questions from docx, QTI and Moodle XML quiz file into a simplified JSON data.
This integration requires more work since developers will have to support the rendering, editing and grading of a variety of question types such as multiple choice question, multiple response question, essay questions, fill-in-the-blanks and select-dropdown on their own.
If you already have a quiz engine, then integrating with the REST API will make more sense.
This integration requires more work since developers will have to support the rendering, editing and grading of a variety of question types such as multiple choice question, multiple response question, essay questions, fill-in-the-blanks and select-dropdown on their own.
If you already have a quiz engine, then integrating with the REST API will make more sense.
iFrame Embed
Iframe Embed allows users to directly access GETMARKED Digitaliser as an embedded LTI 1.3 iframe application
within your learning platform. Users can convert their documents into an online quiz and administer the quiz to their students all through an iframe.
This mode of integration has the least engineering work since all the heavy lifting is done by us, for example:
- creating and maintaining the database to store the quiz data
- development and maintenance of the quiz authoring tool
- administering and grading of the e-assignments