This tutorial will show you how to use GETMARKED to export and download your Socrative quiz into platforms like Wooclap, Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Schoology, Brightspace, Google Forms, itslearning, NEO LMS, LMS365, Sakai, QTI, Kahoot, Quizizz, Gimkit and Blooket.

Step 1: Launch a Quiz in Socrative

socrative main page

Login into Socrative and launch a Quiz.

Step 2: Select the Quiz you want to export

socrative select quiz in launch quiz modal

Launch the Quiz you want to export by selecting it on the pop-up. In this example, we have selected World Facts Quiz to launch and to export. Then click orange Next button to go to the next step.

Step 3: Select Instant Feedback as the Delivery Method

socrative select the mode to launch the quiz in

Select Instant Feedback as the delivery method of the quiz you are launching. Then click the orange Start button.

Step 4: Copy the Room URL that the quiz was launched in

socrative rooms page

Go to your Socrative Rooms page. Then click on the share icon of the room your quiz was launched in.
socrative share room window

Copy the Room URL link. This is the same link you would provide to your students for them to take the quiz.

Step 5: Signup for an account with GETMARKED Digitaliser

GETMARKED Digitaliser dashboard after signing up for an account

Register for a free trial with GETMARKED Digitaliser, login and click on the Import from Socrative button. The free trial will provide for 2 free quiz imports.

Step 6: Paste the Room URL into the Socrative Quiz Importer

socrative quiz importer in getmarked digitaliser

Paste the Room URL into the input field of the custom Socrative Quiz Importer and click import.

Step 7: Export to the LMS of your choice

hover to see export option in getmarked digitaliser

After about 30secs, your quiz would be imported into GETMARKED Digitaliser. You can then click on the Export button to export. Please note that we are unable to import answers and feedback along with the question content due to limitations of Socrative.
getmarked digitaliser export targets

Currently, we support export to Wooclap, Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Schoology, Brightspace, Google Classroom, Google Forms, itslearning, NEO LMS, LMS365, TalentLMS, Sakai, Kahoot, Quizizz, Gimkit, Blooket, Quizalize, LumiNUS, Word, Zoom, Adobe Captivate and QTI, covering almost 99% of all LMS in the market.

With that, you would be able to export your Socrative quiz into any learning platform of your choice!


Final Words

Learning platforms make it difficult for teachers to export content out of their walled garden to the detriment of teachers and students alike. At GETMARKED, we to make your quiz content accessible everywhere in one click. If you think this is an endeavour worth supporting, getting your school leaders and administrators to purchase an institutional plan would be the best way to support us.